Updating and flashing a new firmware on the Chuwi V88 Pad mini is a straight forward process, I will document the steps involved. Firstly you will need to download the updated firmware see the links below, as the flashing tools were by default Chinese language I have enabled the English language settings by default. I have provided just the firmware package, with the update.img, The Rock Chip Batch Tools v1.7 are a seperate download. Remember to download the correct firmware for your V88, the variants are Chuwi V88’s with Bluetooth and without.
Chuwi V88 Pad mini Firmwares & Flash Tools:
Chuwi V88 All Models With Bluetooth :
Latest Android 4.2.2 Version Download V88 Firmware Build Date 2013-06-20
Change Log:
1. Improved stability.
2. Tablet sleep/wake issues fixed.
Download V88 Firmware Build Date 2013-06-03
Change Log:
1. Initial Android 4.2.2 Release
Download V88 Firmware Build Date 2013-05-25
Change Log:
1. Solve camera stops running bug.
2. Optimized for lower power usage.
3. HDMI Push optimized connection.
4. Optimizing wakeup, fix touch function not detecting input.
Download V88 Firmware Build Date 2013-05-09
Change Log:
1. Increased stability.
Download V88 Firmware Build Date 2013-04-26
Initial release.
Chuwi V88 All Models Without Bluetooth :
Download V88 No Bluetooth Firmware Build Date 2013-04-25
Initial release.
Rockchip Flash Tool v1.7:
RKBatchTool and USB Drivers : Download RKBatchTool v1.7
1. Unrar the update.img firmware archive, they are .rar and will need to be extracted then you must download and install the Rockchip USB drivers on your PC, these are in the Drivers folder in the RKBatchTool archive, make sure you install the correct version for your operating system and the corresponding 32 or 64 bit version specific to your operating system, this is important.
2. Power on your Chuwi V88 Pad mini, I suggest you have at least 50% battery. Now enter Settings, then under the DEVICE section select the Storage option then press the Settings icon (three square dots) located in the top right corner of the screen. The press the USB computer connection option, make sure you have checked the Mass Storage Device option.
3. Now connect the Chuwi V88 to your PC with the micro USB to USB lead. Now navigate on your PC to the folder labled BatchTool, and double click and run RKBatchTool.
4. Rockchip Batch Tool 1.7 will load, you should see a pink indicator box under the Connected Devices section, this shows your V88 has been detected.
5. You will now need to select the firmware (update.img) you wish to flash, click the location button itsĀ … at the opposite end of the FW Path: line, now navigate to the update.img file and select. The Rockchip Batch Tool will then load the file and display the files details in the info boxes.
6. Now press the button at the bottom of theĀ Rockchip Batch Tool marked Switch this will enable firmware flashing mode. The Chuwi V88 will now have a black screen, however the Connected Devices indicator box will change from pink to green.
7. Now press the Restore button, the Connected Devices indicator box will now flash yellow as the V88 is formatted, the new firmware will then be uploaded.
8. Once this flashing process has finished the V88 will reboot into the Andriod recovery system, this will format the /data /cache and the /mnt/sdcard/ then the V88 will then reboot.
9. The first time boot is very sloooooow, just be patient.
10. Once booted the Chuwi V88 will be in the default Chinese language, you will need to change your language unless you are Chinese. Press the settings icon on the V88 main screen, now in the left hand column scroll down to the A… symbol in a square box, press it. The very first option in the right hand side menu is languages, press this it will now list all the language options, scroll down to your choice and select. Enjoy the upgraded V88.
I couldn’t find anywhere to post this question, so I hope you don’t mind that I’m asking here.. I recently picked up an old Chuwi v88 on eBay that was listed as “for repair”. At first, the touchscreen didn’t work at all, but after a few reboots, it began working again. I’m not sure why, but the screen has been OK since then. However, when I tried in install some apps, I noticed that only .98 GB was available for storage, although about 13 GB should be available.
I am guessing that the partitions were corrupted in some way. If anyone is still following this, I’d appreciate some help in fixing the partitions. It’s a Chuwi v88 Model cw 0838
16G2140500078 running Android 4.4.2
I’ve done a factory data reset, but that did not change the size of the partitions.
Hello! Thank you for your program flash!
I would report that after installing this ROM June 20, the WiFi is not finding network. and also tried the ROM from 01 August and the same thing happens. I upgraded to fix a bug in the tablet staying asleep. More unfortunately had this problem WiFi.
I appreciate if you take the time to read my comment. I want to root Chuwi V88 mini but failed, use RootBathTools using v1.7. It’s say: drivers were not found error on the cmd frame, although I have the right drivers. Chuwi V88 not many people spend it, so I do not know who to ask. Can you help me? :) Thanks so much.
Hello, thanks for a great flash tool. Can you post an example of using the tool to create a complete backup image? Once I get everything the way I want it I would like to make a backup image with all my apps and setting stored in the image complete. Also can you use this tool to flash a new boot logo screen, if so could you post a example of backing up the boot logo first and then replacing it. Thanks again great program. Michael T.
I can’t find how to install the drivers into my windows 7 ultimate. Help please.