Having recently just updated my favourite web browser to the latest version I now find Mozilla / Firefox have in their infinite wisdom decided to display a large Firefox logo on the homepage of the browser, I am all for branding but this really serves no purpose and is useless.
Not to worry I think, as Firefox should allow me to easily remove this logo, clicking on personalise, gives no such options…..time to dig deeper into the ‘Advanced Preferences’
Just paste the following into the FireFox address bar:
You will now see the below warning screen, just accept the risk and continue.

Now the advanced preferences search bar page will be shown.

Then just paste the below line Into the ‘Search preference name’ search bar:
This specific setting will then be displayed, it’s initial default setting is ‘true’ just click on the toggle icon to flip the value to false, then close this page, now thankfully you will no longer see the Firefox logo displayed on the top of your home page!