Tag Archives: bios

How To Flash Update The BIOS On GIGABYTE BRIX

A quick quide to flashing the BIOS on your GIGABYTE BRIX. I’ve had a number of these and they make great little servers or media streaming PC’s, however it really is best to update the BIOS on these little boxes as it fixes a number of issues the tiny PC’s have.

Firstly you will need your specific BRIX models BIOS file.

Click here to download Gigabyte Brix BIOS files

Select your the BRIX model from the list then click on the tab “Support” next choose BIOS and download the latest BIOS file.

You will also need these:
HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

  1. Run hpusb.exe to install the utility.
  2. Plug in you USB flash drive to your computer. (all current files will be deleted)
  3. Run the program you just installed (HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool).
  4. Select your USB flash drive as your device.
  5. Choose FAT32 as file system.
  6. Under format options, choose create a DOS startup disk.
  7. Select ”using DOS system files located at” and point the program to the folder ”win98boot” which you just downloaded (you need to unzip this file).
  8. Click the start button.

Part 2:  Flash the BRIX using the bootable USB flash drive:

  1. You now have a bootable USB flash drive, next copy the BIOS and other files over.
  2. Download the latest BIOS for your BRIX.
  3. Unpack the file you just downloaded.
  4. You now see three files, AFU303.exe, flash.bat together with the BIOS file. Copy all three files to the USB flash drive.
  5. Choose ”replace all files on destination” if you get this option.
  6. Reboot your computer, and during boot press ″F12″.
  7. Choose boot from USB.
  8. You will see a Windows 98 loading screen very briefly and then get a C: prompt.
  9. Type flash.bat then press return / enter.
  10. The AMI firmware update utility will now update your BIOS.
  11. All done!